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More Google™ reviews… 4.9 ★★★★★     52 Google™ reviews

Tami Johnson wrote: “We have just signed up with GPS Police for our GPS tracking. Although we have not gotten hardware installed yet, we are this weekend & they have gone above & beyond to work with our schedule & help us get everything sorted. Can't wait to see/use the program as it looks super user friendly & way more to offer than past carriers. Thanks's been a great pleasure so far!!”

Ryan Vidler wrote: “Since partnering with GPS Police last year, we've enjoyed seeing how customer-focused their whole team is, especially when things go sideways—such as when Canada Post fails to deliver equipment. As a partner, they're been great to work with, and I can say from experience, they go the extra mile for their customers. We look forward to working with them for a long time.”

Dale Leathorn wrote: “GPS police have a good service that they provide. They have the staff that had the answers to any problems or questions that arise. The ping unit that I have is very tough and durable as I have it on a Skidsteer that is used in some harsh conditions. Special thanks to Victoria W. for her help with an accounting issue. Vancouver island business owner”

Proudly serving these fine companies… and many more. Trican, Alberta Health Services, Nabors Drilling, Transport Québec, Clark Construction, Cenovus Energy

The GPS Police advantage.

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