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More Google™ reviews… 4.9 ★★★★★     52 Google™ reviews

Ryan Vidler wrote: “Since partnering with GPS Police last year, we've enjoyed seeing how customer-focused their whole team is, especially when things go sideways—such as when Canada Post fails to deliver equipment. As a partner, they're been great to work with, and I can say from experience, they go the extra mile for their customers. We look forward to working with them for a long time.”

Todd Walcott wrote: “Very useful online tools for various location formats and conversions. Also responded quickly when I gave feedback for their mobile app. Look forward to using more of their services in the future!”

Salvatore DiFranco wrote: “I've found this service to be a real benefit to our company. The live vehicle tracking, and the ability to review historical vehicle usage, has helped us to make decisions and to be more effective and productive. I'd highly recommend the service if you have employees using company vehicles.”

Proudly serving these fine companies… and many more. Trican, Alberta Health Services, Nabors Drilling, Transport Québec, Clark Construction, Cenovus Energy

The GPS Police advantage.

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